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Using Tenses Correctly 正確使用時態

Domingo Cheng


It is vital that you can use different tenses correctly in your writing so that you can get high marks in an examination. Can you try the following paragraph to test your use of tenses? 在寫作中正確使用不同的時態至關重要,這樣你才能在考試中獲得高分。你能試試下面的段落來測試你對時態的使用嗎? Joey lives in the country. In fact, she ____ (1. live) there alone since she ____ (2. graduate) three years ago. Joey ____ (3. talent) at music. She ____ (4. play) the piano since she was six. Now she ____ (5. teach) in a primary school. She ____ (6. work) there since graduation. As a matter of fact, she quite ____ (7. enjoy) ____ (8. work) as a teacher but, at the same time, she ____ (9. need) space to practise ____ (10. play) the piano.

The answer 答案

1. has been living 2. graduated 3. is talented 4. has been playing 5. is teaching 6. has been working 7. enjoys 8. working 9. needs 10. playing Analysis 分析 This paragraph is simple enough for primary 5 or 6 students to understand, but the tenses used in the description may be a bit difficult. If you can get all the answers correct, then you have a reasonable standard in English. If not, you need to understand why you are wrong. As a matter of fact, some verb forms and tenses which are used in the description are rather difficult. 這一段落很簡單,小五六學生 都能理解,但描述中使用的時態可能有點困難。如果你能答對所有的答案,那麼你已經 達到一定程度的英語水平。如果沒有,你需要明白你為什麼犯錯。事實上,描述中使用 的一些動詞格式和時態是相當困難的。 1. The present perfect continuous tense 現在完成進行式 • In fact, she has been living there alone since she graduated three years ago. The present perfect continuous tense (has been living) is used here. It refers to an action which started in the past and has continued up to the present and is likely to continue into the future. It is one of the most advanced tenses in English and many schools do not teach this tense until secondary school. This tense is tested twice more in the same paragraph. If you do not know how to use this tense, you will lose three marks, not just one mark. 這裡使用的是現在完成進行 式(has been living)。它是指動作從過去開始並一直持續到現在,並可能繼續到未來 的動詞時態。它是英語中最高級的時態之一,許多學校直到中學才教授這種時態。 這個時態在同一段落中再測試兩次。如果你不認識如何使用這個時態,你將失去三 分,而不僅僅是一分。 • She has been playing the piano since she was six. • She has been working there since graduation. 2. passive voice 被動語態 • Joey is talented at music. The word ‘talented’ can be regarded as an adjective, meaning that Joey has talents at music. However, ‘is talented’ can also be seen as a verb used in the passive voice. Many verbs can be used in this way, as verbal adjectives. “有才華”(talented) 這個詞可以看作是一個形容詞,意思是Joey在音樂方面有天賦。但

是,“有才華”也可以看作是被動語態中使用的動詞。 許多動詞都可以這樣使用, 作為動詞形容詞。 • She is endowed with a strong sense of humour. 她天生具有強烈的幽默感。 • She was surprised when she heard the news. 聽到這個消息,她很驚訝。 • Everyone was elated to see the professor. 每個人都為見到教授而興高采烈。 3. The gerund (-ing) 動名詞 • She quite enjoys working as a teacher. • She needs space to practise playing the piano. Some verbs are followed by another verb ending in -ing, which is called the gerund in English. You need to remember that both ‘enjoy’ and ‘practise’ are followed by the gerund, not an infinitive (to do). If you use the wrong verb form, your sentences will be wrong. 一些動詞後跟另一個以-ing 結尾的動詞,在英語中稱為動名詞。你需要記住, ‘enjoy’ 和 ‘practise’ 後面都跟動名詞,而不是不定式 (to do)。如果你使用錯誤的動詞形式,你的句子就會出錯。 If you wish to improve your English, you need time to practise your verbs and tenses. If you neglect this aspect, your English will never improve. 如果你想提高你的英語水平,你需要時間來練習你的動詞和時態。如果你忽視這方面,你的英語永遠不會提高。



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