Using Phrasal Verbs Correctly 正確使用動詞片語
One of the most difficult areas in English is the use of phrasal verbs. Students who are studying in primary 5 or 6 will be taught a number of phrasal verbs. The trouble is that it is not easy for students to master this aspect if they do not have good references. 動詞片語 (亦稱為短語動詞) 的使用是英語中最困難的領域之一。小五或小六學生會學習一些動詞片語。問題是,如果沒有好的參考資料,學生要掌握這方面並不容易。
Can you complete the following story using the correct phrasal verb in each blank? Use each verb once only in the correct tense, plus the correct preposition or adverb particle. 你能在每個空白處用正確的動詞片語完成下面的故事嗎?每個動詞只能以正確的時態使用一次,再加上正確的前置詞/副詞份子。
Verbs 動詞 (in alphabetical order 按字母順序):
crash / cut / get / knock / make / pick / take / take / tidy / write
Prepositions/Adverb Particle 前置詞/副詞份子 (in alphabetical order 按字母順序):
away / down / down / into / into / off / on / out / up / up
There used to be a cedar tree outside our garden. A few months ago, an accident occurred and a car (1) ____ the tree. The driver was slightly injured but he was trapped in the driver’s seat. He was unable to (2) ____ himself. We (3) ____ the phone and called the emergency. The firefighters came and set him free. It was unfortunate that the tree was (4) ____ in the accident and the car was also (5) ____. We had to (6) ____ a few workers to (7) ____ the tree the next day.
Before the workmen (8) ____ the remains of the tree ____, I asked them to leave me a small piece of the tree trunk.
‘What do you want to use it for?’ a workman asked.
‘I want to (9) ____ the wood ____ a little box in memory of the tree,’ I replied. Hearing that, he handed me a small log. Then he laughed and went on (10) ____ the place.
我們花園外曾經有一棵雪松樹。幾個月前,發生了一宗意外,一輛汽車撞到了樹 上。司機受了輕傷,但被困在駕駛座上。他自己也出不去。我們拿起電話撥打了緊急號碼。消防員來了,把他救了出來。不幸的是,這棵樹在事故中被撞倒了,汽車也報廢。 第二天我們不得不僱用幾個工人來砍樹。

Grammar Notes 文法筆記
Phrasal verbs are commonly used in everyday English. They are usually made up of a verb and a particle (preposition or adverb), sometimes two particles. 動詞片語在日常英語中很常用。它們通常由動詞和助詞(前置詞或副詞)組成,有時由兩個助詞組成。
• Pattern 1: verb + 1 particle
put on / set up / look into
• Pattern 2: verb + 2 particles
come up with / look forward to / look up to
Rather than expressing a verb’s basic meaning, a phrasal verb usually carries another meaning. That’s why students find it difficult. 動詞片語通常帶有另一種含義,而不是表達動詞的基本意思,所以學生學習時覺得困難。Look at the following examples. 看看下面的例子。
Basic meaning:
(to look = to gaze 凝視, 看)
• They looked at each other for a long time.
Other meanings:
(to look into = to investigate 調查)
• The government will look into this event.
(to look down on = to despise 藐視)
• You should not look down on the poor.
(to look after = to take care of 照顧)
• I need to look after my sister.
Answer and Analysis 答案與分析
Note: Each phrasal verb has a number of meanings. 注意: 每個動詞片語都有多種含義。
1. crashed into 撞到
• He didn’t turn on the light and crashed into the table. 他沒有開燈,撞到了桌子。
2. get out 落車
• He got out when the car stopped. 車子停下時,他落車了。
Note: to get on/off the bus but to get into/out (of) a car/taxi
注意: 上落巴士用 get on/off 上落汽車或的士用 get into/out of
3. picked up 撿起
• He saw the coin on the ground and picked it up. 他看到地上的硬幣,便撿了起來。
4. knocked down 撞倒
• A lamp post was knocked down in the accident. 一根燈柱在意外中被撞倒。
5. written off 報廢 • The machine was too old and had to be written off. 機器太舊了,不得不報廢。 6. take on 僱用 • We usually take on a few workers during the busy season. 我們通常在繁忙的季節僱用一些工人。 7. cut down 砍樹 • The tree had pests and had to be cut down. 這棵樹有害蟲,不得不砍伐。 8. took ... away 拿走 • A workman came yesterday and took the old air-conditioner away. 一個工人昨天來把舊空調拿走了。 9. make ... into 把...製成 • I made my old trousers into a bag. 我把我的舊褲子做成了一個袋子。 10. tidying up 整理 • She does not really like tidying up the house. 她不太喜歡收拾屋子。 There are thousands of phrasal verbs in English and each one may have a number of meanings. To master the use of phrasal verbs, you need to spend time reading relevant material. 英語中有數以千計的動詞片語,每一個都可能有多種含義。要掌握動詞片語的使用,你需要花時間閱讀相關材料。